Monthly Archives: February 2009

It’s time to register! (Sharath in New York)

Registration for Sharath’s 2009 New York tour just opened up.  Time for all you crazy ashtanga people and yoga enthusiasts to sign up.

The One Flag Competition

posted by Wherehaveyoubean

For all earthlings able to mouseclick

Design is at war with itself. We are taught that design is about finding solutions. But the success of these solutions is judged so narrowly – Did it ooze desire? Did it shift units? – that we find ourselves implicated in problems far greater than the ones we solve. The time has come for a radical shift in priorities. We are now faced with some of the most daunting global challenges in human history.

These are real targets, worthy of our problem-solving skills, ripe for our intervention. Yet those who have the vision to rise above national and political boundaries still have no symbol to rally under. The people from Adbusters invite you to create a flag – free from language and well-worn clichés – that embodies the idea of global citizenship.

More than 1,000 entries were sorted through and they came up with a short list of 32 flags. Now it’s your turn. Go to the flag gallery and vote for designs you like best. You can only vote once for each flag, but you can vote for as many flags as you want. The vote will close on March 17, 2009.

Mysore Hijras

posted by ebeans

From Vice Magazine


Be Careful, or the Hijras Will Hex You


India’s proud community of boys who would rather be girls has officially breached the half-million mark, and we wish we could hug every one of these crazy, lovable, mixed-up bastards. They’re a ubiquitous breed known as hijras, or “impotent ones,” with a thousand-plus-year tradition of bringing good luck. However, in these cynical times in which we live, the concept of luck is about as easy to believe in as the concept of leprechauns, and so the hijras have just become endearingly empowered street hustlers.

Vice recently caught up with Rubina, a 35-year-old from Mysore (ha ha ha, a town called “my sore”—only in India, folks!), who kindly invited us back to her place to discuss her transformation. It cost 1,000 rupees (about $20) for her time, and it was money gladly paid.   read more

The Penis Mushroom…

posted by ebean

possibly the best article I’ve ever read…


There is a mythical shroom that is unlike any other shroom. For, you see, this mushroom looks like a penis—not just a little bit like a penis, as many mushrooms do, but exactly like a penis. Perhaps you’ve heard of it? And although mushrooms usually spring forth from the earth as if from the toes of the gods, the penis mushroom is about as natural as a cocker spaniel. In other words, it’s totally man-made and if it were ever placed in the wild it would die instantly.

So what is this magic little cock-looking guy all about? Where did it come from? Who made it? I recently sought to answer these questions and was met with a dizzying world of magic, lies, and unsolved murder. And I was tripping balls the whole time, too.  read more at Vice Magazine

Food art: is this stuff for real?

posted by ebean

See more

I love this beer

posted by unsinkablemoo



The first beer I really loved was Magic Hat’s #9.  It is light with a delicious apricot taste, although not in a cherry coke kind of way.

Lately I’ve been loving their seasonal beer Roxy Rolles.  It is a hoppy amber beer and perfect at the end of a long day of teaching.

Here is the review on

I’m pretty disappointed though because I just finished my 6 pack.  Magic Hat is brewed in Burlington, VT and can be found at Trader Joe’s, Whole Foods and my local Queens supermarket.

Are you guys yogis? Yoga Dork strikes again!

Originally saw the report at Yoga Dork, of course. Elephantbeans was there…(we have people everywhere)

Vodpod videos no longer available.

Great Hair Cut: Delilah Salon

posted by Unsinkablemoo

Head on out to Park Slope and the Delilah Salon for a terrific and affordable hair cut.

I was in desperate need for a cut and color so I googled online looking for an inexpensive fix.  I checked out some of the student cuts in the city but kept being rescheduled by my would-be apprentice stylist.  I ran into a friend and she recommended the Delilah Salon.

With 58 reviews on google it has almost a perfect 5 star rating.  I called on a Monday and got the first appointment on Wednesday with Leila, the salon’s owner.  She was friendly and on time and sat me down for my consultation.  I wanted to add low lights into my highlighted and bleached hair so when it grew out my natural color wouldn’t look so drastic.  She gave me a better recommendation and we talked hair cut.  Then she put in the foils.  While my hair processed she took two walk in hair cuts.  By the time they were done so was my color.  She rinsed it out and it looked awesome.  Just what I had in mind.

She cut it wet and then blew it dry.  It is one of my favorite cuts and especially for a low price of $115 (two color partial highlight and cut).  I gave her a big tip and am already scheming for my next hair cut with Leila.

Delilah Salon
234 4th Avenue between Union Street & President Street
718 – 797 – 2690

Blog of the Day: Living Breathing Yoga

posted by ebeans

“Wandering yogis” Jeff and Harmony Lichty don’t often post, but when they do, it is worth the read.  Going with the theory that quality is more important than quantity, each post at Living Breathing Yoga is a well though out article on various topics relating to practice.  Yes, they are Ashtanga teachers and practitioners, but the ideas they discuss can be applied to any practice.

From “The Spirit of the Practice”

…It is easy for our yoga practice to become some habitual activity that we get up and just fall into each morning instead of a tool for spiritual growth. The question we must ask ourselves is how can we tell if our practice has become some kind of habitual ritualized routine rather then a spiritual discipline, and how do we find the original inspiration for our practice if we feel it has been lost? read more

the story of stuff

posted by freebean

Despite the alluring sales and cheap clothing – this fascinating 20-minute look at the materials economy will make you think twice about how and why you are spending your hard earned bucks.

the story of stuff

A great book to read is No Logo by Naomi Klein (see if your library has a copy!).