Monthly Archives: June 2009

Yoga Video Tuesday

posted by ebeans

Richard Freeman breathing real slow for Pattabhi Jois
(who doesn’t want to snoop around this Maui archive?)

Iyengar Yoga Trio– Is it dance?  Is it demo?  Is it yoga?
(part 1 of 3)

Lino Miele philosophizes
(associated videos include more talks and a jump through demo)

Watch: Home

documentary about our…home.

the usual.  we are all connected.  life is at once hideous and beautiful.  existence is a miracle so let’s take care of it.  etc.

watch full movie


Backbends & tic-tacs 35 1/2 weeks pregnant

I think this is totally fantastic and inspiring. Thanks mmdieter for sharing!

In theory, you’re not supposed to use your bandhas while pregnant… but… how…????


Why Yoga?

posted by ebeans

Ever have that moment when you are in some crazy pose and you think to yourself as that guy in Enlighten Up! most aptly stated “what’s the connection between this and enlightenment?”  This has been a prevelant topic for Ashtanga practitioner/critic, Yoga Chickie, as of late.  In her post entitled “Existential Questions” she relays a conversation with her MD about practice.  Why read it?  Because it is interesting to reflect on how the “outside world” perceives yoga practice in general and Ashtanga in particular.  Sure one can critique YC as a practitioner, but I believe she asks some interesting questions about maintaining a lifetime practice.  Additionaly, I think we all would like to know more about the method behind the practice.   For primary series, we have Lino’s book which discusses the indications for postures.  But to my knowledge, there isn’t any information past primary…

New Yoga Web Series

posted by ebean

We have all seen the Inappropriate Yoga Guy on youtube.  We sent it to friends, received it from friends, kind of laughed, kind of didn’t.  Picking up on the community’s grasping for something–anything to relate to–they upgraded the series and featured more sponsored episodes on their site.  …though really, the majority of each episode was opening credits.  But we watched it, kind of laughed, kind of didn’t.  Now there is a new yoga web series out of NYC–Days of Joy with Gene Moonfeather.

watch it


This weekend: Sweeney Workshop

Matthew takes Manhattan this weekend with an intensive program of back to back workshops at Lori Brunghard’s Ashtanga Sadhana.  Certainly a chance to reignite your practice, meet fellow practitioners, and of course, learn something new.  click for more information

Matthew Sweeney Ashtanga Workshops/Mysore
Sat and Sun, June 27-28, 10:30am-1pm & 2:30-5pm
Mon, June 29, 9am
Workshops:  $190
Mysore style class: $25

designer yoga props

yoga, meaning ‘union’, is truly emerging as a viable industry offering countless schools of asana & now innovative props to help yogis everywhere make that connection with mind, body, soul – & now design. just as asana has evolved from the two original poses, tadasana (mountain) & svasana (corpse), so too have the props. after attending the yoga journal conference in nyc, i stumbled upon two of the most practical & perhaps most effective new asana helpers, where form & function have joined for their own sort of yoga, including the evolved block (aka egg) created by a ‘recovering’ furniture maker with a bad back & an all-in-one eco-mat which began as an f.i.t. professor’s vision.

for full reviews, visit yogadeals…

Eating meat makes your smell less attractive

Scientific article on The Effect of Meat Consumption on Body Odor Attractiveness

“Results of repeated measures analysis of variance showed that the odor of donors when on the nonmeat diet was judged as significantly more attractive, more pleasant, and less intense.”

So let’s celebrate the veggie mojo with the Smiths! Here’s this amazing document, the Smiths from their “Meat is Murder” era interviewed by Tony Wilson (remember our previous post on celebs “trying” ayahuasca??)

yj acknowledges the yoga (internet) connection

elephantbeans, yogadork and yogadeals have all been featured in the glossy august issue of yj (page 85) along with other fellow bloggers!

“start reading the latest gossip from yogadork….. & you’ll soon see a mention of budget-friendly classes from yogadeals… which links to a fun story from elephantbeans… about yogis behaving badly.”

The Ashtanga Legacy: Type A, Athletic, American

posted by ebeans

Thanks to YogaDork for posting on the recent NY Magazine “tribute” article about Pattabhi Jois.

I don’t know what I expected.  Maybe some insight?

Yeah, there is some truth to it…I guess the rest will just stay a secret.  Maybe it is time to stop reading these articles.