Tag Archives: donate

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Back-to-(Yoga) School

This September, Boomerang Yoga, a non-profit organization geared towards raising mullah for children, is hosting a Sun Salute-a-thon, 108 sun salutations over a 3-hour asana, with the concept of sponsored mats for participating yogis. Stephanie Culen, the founder and executive director of the organization is hoping to raise $500 per mat.  All donations made will go to the continuation of Bent on Learning, an ah-mazing non-profit who has been the forerunner in getting yoga classes into NYC’s public school curriculum.

The event will be held on Sunday, September 20th from 3-6pm at NYC’s SoHo Equinox, visit the Boomerang Yoga Events page to learn how you can participate yourself.  (Attendees are also said to get some goodies for showing up too!)

Or if you prefer, freebean is offering to be your surrogate yogini on that mat day – so donate here – a little or lot – all is much appreciated.

NYC Remembers Guruji

from the SKPJ Charitable Trust

from the SKPJ Charitable Trust

Ashtanga Yoga New York
Prayer services Tuesday, May 19th at 8 am and Friday, May 22 at 6:30 pm.
“Please come if you can, and spend time among friends and fellow practitioners sharing memories of Guruji.”

Yoga Sutra
Held prayers, mediation, and recollections honoring Pattabhi Jois on Monday, May 18th from 7:30 P.M.

Fire Ceremony & Special Sanskrit Mantras / A Talk on the Guru
Tues May 19th, 2009
7:45 pm – 9:15 pm
Join Jivamukti Yoga School in honoring the life of the great yogi, Sri K. Pattabhi Jois. Ruth-ji will speak on the Guru, and Manorama-ji will lead the chanting of Sanskrit mantras combined with a sacred fire ceremony.

Shri K. Pattabhi Jois Charitable Trust
“The Trust is organized for the promotion of spiritual, physical, mental, educational development and upliftment of adults and children of all ages without any distinction of caste, creed or religion and in the interest of mankind in general…The registered Trust was set up in honor of Guruji’s 90th birthday and was inaugurated at an event in July 2005 where more than 800 students and friends from around the world gathered to pay respect to their guru. It is a charitable organization exempt under Section 12A and 80(G) of the Income Tax Act (1961) in India, with 100% of its contributions going to charitable projects in the local community.”
Make a donation.

Know an event? Please comment or email.

Where to donate your yoga mat

I recently inherited a brand new manduka eko lite mat…Never tried one before.  Anyway, I don’t really need more than one mat, so the extra has got to go somewhere, but where?

  • Recycle your mat either upcycles your mat or donates it to a community organization to use as is.
  • With The Art of Yoga Project, your mat goes to a yoga + art initiative for at risk teenage girls.
  • The Mind Body Awareness Project is all about giving at risk and incarcerated youth mindfulness training as a tool to transform their everyday lives.  They need yoga mats!
  • Bent on Learning will transform your mat from a yoga mat, to a tent, to a blanket, to a magic carpet, to who knows what else in its many yoga and meditation classes for NYC public school children and youth centers.

Let’s get this list growing!  Where else can one donate one’s mat?

Help! Mats for Mysore Kids

posted by ebean

Adventures in Yogaland author, Lara, is continuing her Rwanda work in Mysore.  Help her out!

It was very important to me to transfer the work I did in Rwanda to the community here in Mysore, a place I visit so frequently.  I was actually surprised that I had never even thought about the depth of the issues here.

In my first week I visited three HIV clinics.  I revisited them many times to assess their needs and capabilities and in the end started a yoga program for the infected children at a clinic called Asha Kirana.  The children come twice a month on Sundays to get their medicines and tests.  Many are from far away and chose Asha Kirana for its progressive outlook and because they will not be seen by neighbors if they go to a distant clinic.

The children wait for a long time to be seen.  During this waiting period I am teaching them yoga which keeps them relaxed and improves their health.  They love it!

The only problem has been that they don’t have mats.  Instead they were cramming together on woven rugs.  So, I decided to raise the money to supply each child with a mat.

There are 70 children and I envision each one having his or her own mat.

A donation of just $7 will buy one child a yoga mat.  To make a donation, simply click this link to paypal where you enter my email (BebiTaurus@aol.com), your email, and the amount of $7.  Once you make a donation, please be sure to email me with your full name and address so that I can send you an update on the child you supported.  Thank you!